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Today is I love Free Software Day

Today is I love Free Software Day, so we don’t complain about bugs and missing features, but say thanks to all those developers who made all those awesome Free Software! Thanks to all of you!

UnRAR in Freedom

The FSF maintains a list of high priority projects. Thanks to The Unarchiver initiative, we are now able to extract recent rar files in freedom and the FSF could remove this item from their list. There used to be a free implementation of unrar, but it is outdated and could only extract very old rar . . . → Read More: UnRAR in Freedom

FSCONS 2010 Divide and Re-Conquer Talks Now Online

Last year in November, FSFE hosted its own track at FSCONS around different topics of decentralized (social) networks and free network services. Now the videos of the talks are finally online for you to see. With the exception of one, they are all in WebM format :)

Designed For Decentralisation: Understanding the Internet – Benjamin . . . → Read More: FSCONS 2010 Divide and Re-Conquer Talks Now Online

Cloud Computing

Since Internet services such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype became popular, I began to think about their political implications, especially about how they threaten computer user’s freedom. Within FSFE I developed my ideas more and began to spread them. So I think it is about time that I blog about my activities.

It all began . . . → Read More: Cloud Computing

German Pirate Party Adds Free Software to Agenda

Last weekend, the German Pirate Party had their federal party convent and managed to add two amendments out of hundreds of proposals to their agenda. My text about a free democratically controlled technological infrastructure which includes Free Software, Open Standards, no Software Patents, nor DRM was one of the two accepted. More information can be . . . → Read More: German Pirate Party Adds Free Software to Agenda

Google and Open Video Standards

As some of you might have heard, Google released an experimental player for Youtube that works without Adobe Flash, last Wednesday. While they are “very excited about HTML5 as an open standard” (from the announcement), they surprisingly chose not to offer the content as such and instead serve videos in a patent-encumbered format. As Google . . . → Read More: Google and Open Video Standards

Linux Tag 2009

Right after the GA there was no time for me to relax. The LinuxTag 2009 in Berlin started right after it. As every year FSFE was present with an own booth and answered many questions by interested visitors. Some people even became Fellows right at the booth and some that were already fellows expressed their . . . → Read More: Linux Tag 2009

Report from FSFE’s general assembly

In May, I was elected the first Fellowship representative. In this function I attended FSFE’s general assembly (GA) in Miraflores de la Sierra and would now like to give you some insights in what happened there.

The first and probably most important point is personnel changes. This time there were unusually many. A whole new . . . → Read More: Report from FSFE’s general assembly

Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid

Tomorrow, I’ll leave for Madrid in order to attend FSFE’s general assembly as the first Fellowship representative. Unfortunately, there haven’t been much feedback from the fellows, so I’m not taking many questions or tasks with me to Madrid. The agenda of the GA will include many personnel changes, one small change of the constitution and . . . → Read More: Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid

I won the GA election

Today, I was notified that I won the general assembly elections. This came quite as a surprise, but I am glad the election worked out that well for me. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me or gave me a high ranking. I also would like to thank the other candidates for . . . → Read More: I won the GA election