Random rants and thoughts about my activities in and for the Free Software community.
Having some fun with Blender
As an architect, I have started playing with 3D modeling during the latest years at university. Those where the times when Amiga still rocked at 3D modeling (Lightwave, Imagine and others) … but not only there was no free software modeler for Amiga, but experimenting with the models was quite frustrating: rendering the test scenes could easily take 20-40minutes, so preparing any scene, choosing lights, textures, materials was an art of predictions. No trial and errors allowed. At least that is what I felt. Then, when I bought my first PC I tried other modeling tools, all proprietary, but the results where still disappointing … and I finally gave up. Until today, that is. I have installed Blender on my GNU/Linux system… I have to say that OpenGL is a whole different experience. I can see the shaded scene and change it in real time (shading a simple sphere took 20 minutes on the Amiga with 68030 processor + FPU and 4Mb of RAM)… WOW As an experiment I have put together a few green boxes to replicate the Fellowship logo (how shall we call it? pLussy? it recalls a + sign). Here it is. In the next days I hope to be able to add more things to the scene.