
European Commision launches DebateEurope website

As seen on heise.de, the European Commission has launched the DebateEurope website. According to the website, it is seen as an "invitation (…) to discuss (…)  ideas, hopes and worries for Europe’s future."

The European Commission wants to "make contact with you and listen to what you think and propose."

I think this is an excellent opportunity to advocate Free Software and other important political issues like Human Rights, Data Privacy, Software Patents etc.

If the site keeps it promises, it can offer a very direct way to communicate with highly-involved EU politicians, an opportunity noone should not fail to take.

I am sure you are all busy with your working life, just as I am. But if you can just spare a couple of minutes every now and then, this could make the difference. The more supporters the better, that’s how democracy works, after all.