Brian Gough’s Notes

occasional GNU-related news

GNU Hackers Meeting in Paris (25 – 28 August 2011)

It’s one month till the next GNU Hackers Meeting in Paris (Thursday 25 August – Sunday 28 August). There are about 45 GNU maintainers and contributors registered so far (details of how to register are on the meeting web page).

Speakers include Jim Meyering on “The perils of relying on output streams in C”, Stefano Zacchiroli (Debian Project Leader) on “Distributions, upstreams and downstreams” and Jim Blandy (Mozilla) on “Extensibility in Firefox” among others.

The meeting is hosted by IRILL, the Initiative de Recherche et Innovation sur le Logiciel Libre at the INRIA building near the Place d’Italie. Looks like a great location:
