
Archive for the ‘plussy’ Category

Plussy walks the walk

Friday, January 19th, 2007

During the holidays people usually play cards and eat a lot.  I did that too, but I also wanted to play with GIMP and Blender.  I guess you saw the results of me playing with GIMP already.

I have just published the results of my experiments with Blender bones and animation.  Here you can find a fully digital 3D puppet of good old Plussy.  If you want to see its walk try downloading this ogg file.

Feel free to experiment further and add more features to the scene, like background or other objects. Blender is fun 🙂

It’s snow time in Plussy-land

Friday, December 22nd, 2006

A few days ago I decided I wanted to play with Plussy and the GIMP.  Inspired by the lack of snow in Milano, Italy, where I live, I thought of experimenting with the GAP aka GIMP Animation Package to make snow flakes fall on a Plussy with santa-hat.  You can admire the result here.  I also want to thank fence-post for his tutorial and Shoofly for the background.

Remember that the sections Fun/ Meetings/ News/ /Events and /Advocacy are writable to all Fellows: you can add your own material, play with it as you wish.  You can make the Fellowship.

Happy holidays 🙂