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Report from FSFE’s general assembly

In May, I was elected the first Fellowship representative. In this function I attended FSFE’s general assembly (GA) in Miraflores de la Sierra and would now like to give you some insights in what happened there.

The first and probably most important point is personnel changes. This time there were unusually many. A whole new . . . → Read More: Report from FSFE’s general assembly

Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid

Tomorrow, I’ll leave for Madrid in order to attend FSFE’s general assembly as the first Fellowship representative. Unfortunately, there haven’t been much feedback from the fellows, so I’m not taking many questions or tasks with me to Madrid. The agenda of the GA will include many personnel changes, one small change of the constitution and . . . → Read More: Traveling to the General Assembly in Madrid

I won the GA election

Today, I was notified that I won the general assembly elections. This came quite as a surprise, but I am glad the election worked out that well for me. I would like to thank everyone who voted for me or gave me a high ranking. I also would like to thank the other candidates for . . . → Read More: I won the GA election