Fellowship elections
FSFE is about to vote for the new fellows who will be full members of its General Assembly, which is the main body of the association and thereby takes important decisions in FSFE’s life.
Every registered fellow is allowed to vote, and every fellow registered since at least February the 1st, 2010, is allowed to run for the elections.
How to become a candidate?
First, you have to send en email to fellowship<at>fsfeurope<dot>org with subject “Candidate Fellowship seat.”, in which you tell to be willing to run for the elections, and explain your involvement in Free Software, more about yourself, etc. This has to be done before the 25th of January, so at your keyboards, ready, go! If you can not or do not want to be a candidate, maybe you can emulate other fellows you know and who would want to grab a fellowship seat at the General Assembly?
You can use your fellow blog and/or the wiki to run your campaign.
The elections pages
You may want to take a look at the past elections, 2009 and 2010. The new elections are summed up on the 2011 page. A list of the current GA members is to be found here.
Don’t forget, you only have until the 25th of January!!
Happy running and voting!