
This is a private blog by Jens Lechtenbörger.

Jens Lechtenbörger

OpenPGP key: 0xA142FD84
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Creative Commons License
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, my posts on this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Firefox with Tor/Orbot on Android

In my previous post, I explained three steps for more privacy on the Net, namely (1) opt out from the cloud, (2) encrypt your communication, and (3) anonymize your surfing behavior. If you attempt (3) via Tor on Android devices, you need to be careful.

I was surprised how complicated anonymized browsing is on Android […]

Certificate Pinning for GNU/Linux and Android

Previously, I described the dismal state of SSL/TLS security and explained how certificate pinning protects against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks; in particular, I recommended GnuTLS with its command line tool gnutls-cli for do-it-yourself certificate pinning based on trust-on-first-use (TOFU). In this post, I explain how I apply those ideas on my Android phone. In a nutshell, […]