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Does FOSS need amateurs?

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

I suggest you to have a look at Gianugo’s blog about the value of free software when there are no amateur developers working on it. His position follows:

  Sure, there are OSS projects out there that scare people away: I’m definitely not going to delve into OOo code to scratch my itches, and the same goes for Firefox, Eclipse et al. But I don’t feel the value of such projects diminished at all by the idea that only people with full-time availability will actually be able to deal with the source mammoth. If I really need to draw a line, that would be around the diversity concept: as long as a project is able to catalyze different interest and build communities that foster communication, the Open Source concept is alive and kicking, and it really doesn’t matter much if a project community is focused on corporate strategies rather than individuals’.

Here is the complete post.
Let me just say that I completely agree.

I fear Sun is mistaken

Saturday, December 3rd, 2005

Surely you read a lot about new Sun’s marketing show.
Let’s go to the source of the news. shows a big banner stating “Free and Open Source Software: Sun announces […blah…blah…] software with Solaris at no cost“.

Let’s forget for a moment that “free” that at the beginning could mean FOSS but in the end means “gratis” and therefore confuses who must still understand the difference.

I see the following scenarios:

  • Think of you as a business company: whatever you think about free(dom) software, probably its cost is not a problem.
    Usually that money is part of the project budget.
    So you won’t be interested.
  • Now think of you as a student who knows nothing about free(dom) software. You are probably used in using cracks and keygens to enable your illegal software copies. And you are proud of that.
    So you won’t be interested.
  • Now think of you as a fellow. That software could be gratis, but it’s not free(dom). You already have similar softwares and they are free.
    So you won’t be interested.

So, now: where is Sun going? Who could be interested?
Let me say: I really think of Sun as one of the biggest friend of free(dom) software between large business companies.
But they are talking about money, not about features, nor about reliability, nor about interoperability, nor about extendability…

I really fear they hope to gain fame and respect from an inexistent community that uses its software just because it’s gratis, without even asking if it is free or not.
I really fear their huge investment will just be forgotten in a couple of months.
I really fear we’ll lose a friend and I hope I’m mistaken.

Trusted Computing Movie

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005

I know I’m always late, but better late than never!

I think you and your friends will appreciate this short movie from Lafkon. I suggest you to download from the torrent.

Luky enough, we italians got it dubbed 🙂 team makes it available here.

Hope you like it.


Munich and Extremadura, french tax office to OOo

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

I’ve just read on OSNews that, while the city of Munich is switching to free software, Extremadura (Spain) supported the development and lately adopted their own GNU/Linux distribution, known as gnuLinEx.

Then, a few minutes later, I even read the french tax office has switched[0] to OpenOffice

I definitely can go bed with a smile on my face!

[0] article in italian

“Open non è free” (Ippolita)

Monday, November 7th, 2005

Probabilmente molti di voi sapranno già di cosa sto per parlavi ma forse non tutti hanno avuto tempo e modo di leggere questo bel libro, edito da Eleuthera e scaricabile gratuitamente dal server Ippolita.

Come è facilmente intuibile, il punto del libro è fare la differenza: non si tratta di prese di posizione, si tratta di un’analisi delle sostanziali differenze fra le due visioni e di ciò che ne consegue nella pratica. Un’analisi oggettiva, tanto da risultare evidente la scrittura a 8 mani.

Ve ne consiglio la lettura: io l’ho letto in treno come pdf ma andrò ad acquistarlo per aggiungerlo alla biblioteca e supportare gli autori.


fsfe box logo

Saturday, November 5th, 2005

I’ve just finished playing with gimp and created a small button
Hope you like it 🙂

ps: sorry fot the gif format, but i got trouble with gimp saving png
–gif imaged removed–

ok, i created an xcf version of the box (sorry for the delay but i’m not used to graphics at all)
Here is the XCF version, while the png version follows

not as geek

Thursday, October 27th, 2005

Uhmm… I’m not an ultra-powerful geek… maybe I still can see the light at the end of the tunnel.. 😀
Thx to Jonas and to other fellows as well.


Saturday, August 13th, 2005

The story told in the posts below has finally reached its end: the Ajax.NET project became free software, as it was promised.
The code was given to a business company, SediSys, that has opened a site, BorgWorX, for maintaining it.
I still have some doubts about a point (2.1 and 2.2) of the license, but it seems GPL compatible.
I’m very happy about that!

Have fun

Personal: job change

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

After a brief period of skills sharing, I finally resigned from my job in Ogilvy, an advertising company.

My last day is just finished, now a short week of relax and study then I’ll move to Concept, a very small but interesting reality of the italian IT panorama.

See you the 16 of August!

Free software has its own defenders

Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

In my previous post, I was telling you a story about a, so called, “bad guy” who ran into troubles when the community around his “open source” project recognised it as a fake.

I’ve notified that odd behaviour to the SourceForge team. They’ve found that some “unwanted” posts from the project forum have been deleted. Well, actually you cannot delete forum posts from sourceforge, you can only hide them. This makes them available to the sourceforge team, if you forward them an inquiry, as I have done.

They’ve agreed and now the “bad guy” (actually, his work) has been deleted. That guy still has time to make the source code available, and, therefore, to have back his project. I hope he will.

This time the words “open source” have been used as an advertisement strategy.

In my own experience, I understand I have to think about using “open source” or “free software” as the way to describe something to my colleagues. “Open source” is sometimes mistaken as “gratis”, but when I talk about “free as in freedom”, I know what I’m saying and when the others do not, they ask me and I can explain them. I’m not a guru at all, but we can talk about it.

Have fun