Yesterday’s Links (for July 30th 2007)
Possibly interesting links I saw yesterday.
- Dinosaur Comics – about punch
- A GIMP 2.4 release candidate is coming soon, and the developers are of course looking for testers and some website help.
- The Open Library has launched to put freely licensed and public domain books online. This looks very similar to what Project Gutenberg has been doing for years, but discussions of the former never mention the latter. From a bit of reading, it seems that The Open Library will include books that are under more restrictive terms, but I haven’t found the details yet.
- EU Court Backs ISPs on User Privacy – a high court adviser has said that ISPs aren’t required to hand over data in civil cases, but the same isn’t true for criminal cases. Another reason to support FSFE’s work against the "IPRED2" criminalisation directive.
See also: the archive of Yesterday’s Links.
Ciarán O’Riordan,
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