GPLv3 updates: 4th conference tomorrow, in India

The 4th International GPLv3 Conference, organised by FSFI, is taking place on the 23rd and 24th of August in Bangalore, India. I hope it goes well. The 3rd was in Europe.

This will be the first conference where the 2nd draft of GPLv3 will be discussed. The public comment period has been open for a few weeks now and I’ve made three comments so far, and am thinking about others. To see all the comments made so far, go to

Other news is that FSF have released the source code of the comment system software "stet". It’s available at:

One FSFE’s GPLv3 pages, I’ve much improved the diff comparing draft 1 and draft 2, and I’m working on producing a similar diff comparing GPLv2 and draft 2 of GPLv3. my first attempt isn’t so nice but it’s actually not that easy to make the diffs correctly. The obvious path of feeding draft 1 and draft 2 to wdiff gets the change boundaries wrong.