What did I bring you from Brazil? A GPLv3 transcript of course
Well, I said I’d make the most of my trip to Brazil, so here’s a transcript of Richard Stallman’s presenation at the second international GPLv3 conference that took place there:
Made from a very low quality video which I took with my digital camera. The conference organisers will be putting proper videos online when they’re ready, so I won’t bother putting my videos online.
My battery wasn’t full when I started recording because our socket blew at the joint-FSFs booth due to too many laptops. I had borrowed a second gigabyte memory card, so I was ok for memory, but my battery only let me capture the first first 50 minutes before I had to start juggling between charging and filming.
Looking at the people in the queue to ask questions, I had to decide who would ask a good one. I got Michael Tiemann’s comments about RMS and OSI, and I got the GFDL question and the one about whether or not there would be official translations of GPLv3.
On an unrelated note, the ELER strip has put out a few new ones.