Quick entry on end of April activity

11 days since my last blog entry – I’ve just been busy.

I got back home to Brussels on the 27th of April after being at the 2nd GPLv3 conference in Brazil. I spent one day in Brussels and left again on the 28th for Ireland to co-organise an evening lecture by Federico Heinz, with IFSO. The evening was recorded and the files will be online in the next few days.

I think I was in Ireland when I heard that I will be giving a talk in Germany on May 6th about GPLv3. This conflicts with a friend visiting me in Brussels, so I am spending only the bare minimum time away in Germany. Last year I attended this same event in Germany for five hours. This year I will be there for two! The reason for my short visit last year was that I was overloaded by software patents work.

This week was partly spent preparing my GPLv3 presentation, organising the 3rd GPLv3 conference (which will happen in Europe), reading the new IPRED2 proposal published by the European Commission, and a number of other smaller things.