He got some of his own when he came over for FOSDEM anyway

As a present, I brought a box of Marcolini chocolates on my trip to the first international GPLv3 conference. I had to get up at 04h30 to get the first bus of the morning to the airport.

I arrived at the hotel lobby at 20h00 local time and there was Georg Greve "Ah, you’re just in time. We’re going for a party in the FSF offices". I have a quick shower and we leave by foot. I met Stefano Maffulli for the first time (Stef is currently working full-time in FSFE), met some of FSFE’s spanish team, talked with some of the FSF staffers, and met various people etc.

After a while I was losing my concentration and was even feeling a bit light headed. Then I realised that although it was only 22h30 and I had only had one drink, I did get up very early, and my day was stretched by six hours due to crossing timezones. So I was 23 hours awake and had sustained myself with only airport and airplane food.

It was a shame to leave early, but I excused myself and decided it would be better to recover and be ready for the GPLv3 launch the next day.

In the hotel room, I was ready to sleep, but I realised that I should have eaten something. Going straight to sleep would add another 8 foodless hours to my condition, which wouldn’t be smart, but the hotel room had only a bottle of water and the restaurant was closed. And then, there sat the chocolates.

The intended recipient was Richard Stallman. He thinks these chocolates are fantastic, and they happen to sell them near where I live, so it was convenient for me to grab a box when coming over.

At the party in the FSF offices, Richard seemed happier than usual, and there were various foods there that he was enjoying. I was clearly the needier case 🙂 so, purely for their sugar value, I scoffed the lot before falling asleep.

Some of them were quite nice.