Europarl RFC: Consumer Confidence in the Digital Environment (April 14th deadline)

UPDATE: I’ve sent to FSFE’s discussion@ list some very rough draft answers.

MEP Zuzana Roithova has sent out a letter asking for input for a report on "Consumer Confidence in the Digital Environment". Roithova was a strong anti-swpat MEP, and is the main drafting rapporteur, so there’s reason to believe this might actually come to something.

The deadline is April 14th, and there’re comments in a thread on FSFE’s discussion@ list (which I’m going to re-ignite now).

The letter is available at: http://mail.fsfeurope. . . .CCDE-letter-0001.pdf

The questions in the letter are as follows:

  1. What are the main problem areas, which you are confronted with generally, or in your field, regarding Consumer Confidence in the Digital Environment?
  2. What are the key challenges for the IT industry and its users, which can be foreseen for the near future generally or particularly in your field of competence (especially regarding the Consumer Confidence in the Digital Environment)?
  3. Could you present your opinion on legislative problems (Issues for which new legislation is needed or where, on the other hand, overregulation and some unnecessary rules should be abolished. Please address these questions concerning EU legislation or even those in which the national rules apply, and so only better coordination of the Member States can be supported)?
  4. Because the Internal Market cannot be isolated from the globalized market, do you see similar or different problems and challenges at international/global level?
  5. In regard to your previous answers, do you see possible legislative solutions?
  6. Moreover, could you please share any other ideas which have been raised in your mind on Consumer Confidence in the Digital Environment?