Another fresh GPLv3 transcript, and why I bother
I’ve made and put online a transcript of the recent presentation by RMS about GPLv3:
After making the previous one, I thought I wouldn’t do it again, but they seem more important now than I had realised.
Quite a number of people sent thanking emails, which is nice, particularly those who speak English as a second language seem to like the text transcripts.
Wason Liwlompaisan translated the last transcript into Thai!
A number of mainstream news sites picked it up, and maybe some offline ones did too.
The last one also made slashdot and other community sites.
So far this latest transcript has only been online for 4 hours and it’s already on LWN, and on Groklaw.
I was already aware that it would be useful because text can be indexed by websearch engines, and it can be grepped and searched by people, and read by people who can’t hear, but the interest from the news sites has been a surprise.
Twelve months is a long consultation process, but it’s important that everybody hears about it and therefore has a chance to take a look and make any comments they have. The changes being proposed are quite comprehensible, so spreading the information that makes the process accessible is an important thing to do. More texts are available on the GPLv3 wiki’s page for reusable texts.
Update: it’s also on Newsforge, and LXer, and the groklaw story drew 498 comments.