T-2 days: FOSS Means Business (and fighting SWPAT Still Means Work)
We’ve got 210 people on the (non-mandatory) Attendees registration page, and we’re expecting far more when we open on Thursday.
"All-island" is one of the buzzwords, so it’s fitting that this looks to be the biggest free software event ever organised anywhere on the island. How will be follow up after this? How do you beat Stallman and Perens for keynoters? It probably can’t be done. This is a once off opportunity, so we’ll just have to make as much of it as we can. …but there will be a follow up.
Right now I’m juggling time between contacting press and replying to the European Commission’s patent consultation. I’ll post my draft to FSFE’s general discussion@ mailing list when it’s ready. For anyone else replying to this, FFII have posted their suggestions at http://consultation.ffii.org/, Florian Mueller has posted his at his position paper blog entry, and IFSO have begun some work on their questionnair response wiki page.