…but I don’t want a weekend off!
I work at least 70 hours per week and weekends are an important time for getting stuff done without the usual amount of phone calls and emails, so I felt pretty inconvenienced when someone locked the office door on Friday evening and forgot to leave the key in the agreed place.
I was returning from my second food break and I found that I could not get to the office where I have Internet access, and my laptop and all my notes and todo lists were imprisoned until Monday.
On Friday night I started reading Tariq Ali’s Rough Music, and caught up on some sleep. It’s a short book and I I finished it on Saturday. It was mostly about the bias of the mass media. Noam Chomsky’s Imperial Ambitions was better, but Rough Music used the UK as it’s example, which is a bit closer to home for me than Chomsky’s book. I also studied a bit of Brazilian Portuguese over the weekend.
I spent Saturday evening finally fixing the door frame and putting a lock on my appartment. I had to get the door burst in with a crowbar about a year ago when I lost the only key.
Saturday night was spent in Celtica – an Irish bar in Brussels city centre where pints are 2 euro until midnight. Some friends were over visiting Brussels and Pete O’Malley was doing the music. I left there some time after 5am.
I got up at 11h30 on Sunday to get a potted plant at the huge market which is at South Station on Sunday mornings and then went hunting for an appartment. My current place is cheap, bright, is only a 35 minute walk from the city centre, and is well-located for public transport but there’s no Internet access and it’s so small that I can’t even offer visitors some floor space to sleep on.
On Sunday night I made my next day’s todo list and wrote this blog entry on paper. The 2-day typing break was surely good for my fingers, and my girlfriend certainly didn’t mind me being locked out of the office. I have one appointment to see a new appartment, and one place that I have to phone, but I’m glad I got that job started at least. But now, time to catch up on all the non-home stuff I didn’t get done…