Publicising “FOSS Means Business”, 27 days left to Belfast
(FOSS Means Business) March 16th is only 27 days away. For this daytime event, many people who want to come will have to book time out of the office – and that can be difficult on short notice. So the work to publicise this has to be intense right now. I’ve made a page on the event wiki for promotion:
The Event homepage is complete, and the Agenda is mostly there. I’ve made:
- Documents such as flyers, which people can use, or my flyers might encourage someone else to do a classier version
- Some sample descriptions of the event, for people to tell the bosses, or to send to news sites for inclusion in their Event pages
- I’ve made a list of places where I know the event has been publicised
- And most importantly, a list of places which I’m pretty sure haven’t been notified and I wish someone would (adding potential places to that list would also be quite helpful)
What else do people need? A press release? I’m busy writing one at the moment. Anything else, or any other ideas, email me or note them on the wiki. The room we have can hold 750 people or more, so any and all help with publicising this event, by blogging, posting, emailing, and telling friends and co-workers, would be useful.