National standards bodies to approve farcical OOXML

Unofficial counts indicate that OOXML will be approved by ISO because enough national standards bodies changed their vote. Andy Updegrove is keeping a running tally. I just got off the phone to the National Standards Authority of Ireland and, disappointingly, Ireland is among the countries that changed their vote from "disapprove" to "approve" (despite a letter from IFSO).

One of the big problems with OOXML is the danger of software patents. Microsoft published a promise not to sue people for implementing the OOXML specification, but the promise only covers fully-compliant implementations. Microsoft’s own implementation is not fully compliant, so if you write your software to interoperate or be compatible with Microsoft’s software, you will not be protected by their patent promise. This was pointed out and explained by FSF Latin America recently.

On the technical side, the problems pointed out by FSFE’s previous documents still stand:

Allegations of voting irregularities are rife among European standards bodies. More information can be found on Groklaw and on

Ciarán O’Riordan,
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