Coming month of OOXML work
Rather than declaring victory, my previous blog entry should have said: we have another month of hard work ahead. It seems I missed the not-so-subtle difference between *really should* and *surely will*. I’ve even heard that it currently looks very realistic that OOXML will get final approval.
In checking how I wrongly drew my "victory" conclusion, I found some interesting coverage:
- Andy Updegrove’s Standards Blog – already updated with 8 first hand accounts and with comments posted by BRM Convenor Alex Brown. It’s worth at least skimming the comments for the comments of Alex Brown and the replies by Andy (whose username is "Admin").
- ComputerWorld: Changes to OOXML Draft Standard Waved Through
- Reuters: Bureaucracy swamps ISO meeting on Microsoft format (with quotes from Shane Coughlan)
- Sun’s Tim Bray: BRM narrative a critical review of the process managed by Alex Brown "a good guy in a lousy situation"
- Weak ISO support for changes to Open XML throws shadow over final approval
- Microsoft’s Jason Matusow: The Open XML BRM an unqualified success – if you want to know how Microsoft will spin this, it’s all in this blog entry.
- Microsoft’s Brian Jones: BRM is done, time to sleep a bland blog entry
- Groklaw’s BRM story and Updegrove interview – same link I posted on Friday, interesting comments about the ISO process
So, rather than being an easy celebration, Document Freedom Day is something that we have to work toward.
Ciarán O’Riordan,
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