GPLv3 launch, transcript and report, from January 16th

It’s been a month now since the conference that launched the GPLv3 discussion process. A busy month, so I’m only blogging it now. There’s now available:

At the start of the year, I wasn’t planning on getting heavily involved with GPLv3. It looked like it was a project for experts and I thought that software patents would keep me too busy anyway, but actually GPLv3 is quite accessible and I’ve ended up working on it without specifically trying.

One reason for working on the above transcript is that it can be used by others as a base to make their own presentations. Other reasons include grep-ability, web search engines, translatabilitiy (human and machine). In general, just to make the information propagate more conveniently.

Most people who’ve read the draft GPLv3 seem pretty happy with it, so I first made a

to make it easier for people to read about the license and participate in the process. I hope to do something similar for FSFE when I, and others, get time. I’ve also found myself participating in mailing list discussions about GPLv3 and incorporating GPLv3 information into talks that I give.

The conference itself, on January 16th and 17th, was pretty interesting, although I think the social networking was more important than the license discussions.

The majority of my work is done with people I know by their email address – so it was good to put some faces and accents to those addresses.

The other big thing on my plate is the March 16th event in Belfast with Richard Stallman and Bruce Perens, and yup, it’s turning (in part) into a GPLv3 event.