Yesterday’s links, August 3rd 2007
Possibly interesting links I saw yesterday.
- Microsoft HD Photo considered for standardisation by JPEG committee – this will need some looking into, particularly to see how useful the patent promise really is. No details available yet.
- Signal and Noise in GPLv3 – an article about the media representation of the GPLv3 discussions, explaining that they exagerated the controversy, etc. Not a bad article, but it prints a few too many Linus quotes without critical thinking. For example, Linus says that the GPLv3’s fight against tivoisation is like scientists refusing to share information with people they don’t like. A more accurate analogy would be scientists who refuse to share information with people who are trying to make shared information unusable.
- – a news site which started out as a forum to protest Novell’s patent deal with Microsoft, but which is turning into a general free software news site.
- The Trophées du Libre competition have announced their 2007 call for submissions of free software projects.
See also: the archive of Yesterday’s Links.
Ciarán O’Riordan,
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