Last weeks I was especially focused to:
- FSCONS . On 12 of November I traveled to Gotheborg, Sweeden to attend the GNUMeetings and Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit. I coordinated the FSFE participation there, meet new fellows and attended Website planning workshop.
- FOSDEM coordinate with the team, FSFE partitipation at FOSDEM 2010
- Document Freedom Day I have been started to coordinate the next’s year edition and work together with FSFE team.
- Other activities involving community building activities, brainstorming about new campaigns, search new ways to sell merchandise.
As an overview, in the next weeks I’ll work mostly on DFD 2010. Any feedback regarding the last 2 edition is welcomed :). Apart of DFD 2010 I’ll continue working on FSFE community and campaign framework and I’ll blog about it in the first part of January.