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Unclear on the concept ..
December 18th, 2009
The Site and the contents herein are the intellectual property of someone and are protected by applicable copyright, trademark and proprietary rights. Viewing, printing or downloading of any content, graphic, form or document from this Site grants you only a limited nonexclusive license for your personal use and does not authorize republication, distribution, assignment, sublicense, sale, preparation of derivative works or the right to link to the Site from another location or any other use unless you have received someone‘s express written permission for such use.
I could tell you who that’s from, but then I’d probably add a link to them, and by golly, they think that I’m not allowed to.
This illustrates what happens when you let lawyers go crazy on terms and conditions — or at least a certain kind of lawyers who want to nail down as much as possible and believe that owning information and controlling all access to it is the way to increase revenue. I can understand some of the terms and conditions here: republication, of course, on the basis that this website describes a proprietary application, and sublicensing similarly. Of course, copyright laws already give publishers those rights, so I’m not sure why they show up again in the terms and conditions. And denying the right to link? Well, deep-linking has been challenged in court various times, but not linking in general. In other words, unclear on the concept (or overzealous).
Understanding licenses, bit by bit (2)
December 17th, 2009
Thanks to all those who commented on my recent proposal to “iconify” licenses. That is, representing the essential terms of various Free Software licenses as icons so you can quickly get a feel for their meaning. This is, in the current state of software licensing, no replacement for actually reading and understanding the licenses, but as a mechanism for quick (as opposed to deep) understanding it seems to work well enough.
ComputerDruid pointed out that we’d need an icon for the network-copyleft effect of the Affero-style licenses (AGPLv2 and AGPLv3). The salient point of the GNU Affero General Public Licenses is that the requirement to distribute source is also triggered by interacting with the program over a network. The license text has an addition (in version 3) to clause 13:
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network … an opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version …
None of the licenses examined so far has such a clause, so that’s why I hadn’t drawn one up yet.
The “Free Software” icon is the only one that grants permissions. It says “this license grants you the Four Freedoms”. The other icons all describe conditions on the license. Copyleft, network effect. The patent grant is both a permission outside the scope of copyright, as well as a condition related to downstream use of those patents and your own patent rights (if any) in the program (in those jurisdictions where there are software patents). In this sense, fewer icons means fewer conditions, and hence more free to use — but at the cost of not guaranteeing the Four Freedoms downstream, for the most part. Compare, for instance:
This program is Free Software; you have at least the Four Freedoms, but copyright notices must be preserved and the license text distributed with the program.
This program is Free Software; you have at least the Four Freedoms, but copyright notices must be preserved and the license text distributed with the program. In addition, you are required to provide source (under some circumstances). The source provision applies to your own code as well that is added to the program (strong copyleft). The source provision applies also if you provide access to the program over a network (Affero). There is an explicit patent grant involved.
Whoo. That’s quite some text, but still a great deal shorter than the GPLv3.
Paul Boddie points out that the “weak copyleft” symbol is probably redundant (I agree). That would make the number of source-related icons three (and the number of the counting shall be three). There would be “provide source” (i.e. weak-copyleft), and then two modifying icons for strong and network copyleft. I like it — something to take into account in the wrap-up to this series.
See, by now we’re almost getting into a grammar of these things, which is something I would like to avoid. Keep it simple, keep an overview that allows selection and understanding at a high level, and then look at the relevant license texts in detail.
So, let’s move on to the license texts in detail for a moment. Yesterday I wrote up that the Apache license, version 2.0 and the Mozilla license, version 1.1 were roughly the same. Both got the same set of icons based on my quick reading of both licenses. So let’s take a closer to see if there are relevant differences in the licenses. If there are, we may need to add a distinguishing badge.
General remarks: Apache has a notion of “contribution” spelled out in the license; I think this is intended to clear up what happens when you send a patch to a mailing list — is that intended for inclusion under the same license or not? In my experience, people do submit patches that they do not want to have included — on public mailing lists, no less — but it is very rare. I don’t think this is a crucial difference. The Apache license explicitly excludes linking as a means of creating a derivative work. The Mozilla license defines “commercial use” in a surprising way that includes many things I would consider non-commercial: namely, if I give my friend a USB stick with the source, that’s commercial use according to the license. Mozilla has a concept of “Initial Developer”, which I think is compatible with the Apache notion of “Licensor” — they’re both licenses that are directed at centralized projects with a clear central copyright holder.
Using the software: Mozilla clause 2.1a allows you to use, sublicense and distribute the code and modifications. Apache clause 2 allows the same, but makes explicit that object code distribution is allowed.
Patent grant: Mozilla clause 2.1b grants a license to those patents embodied in the Original Code. Mozilla excludes patents covered by code deleted from the original code — so you can’t re-implement something covered by a patent, it seems. Apache clause 3 does the patent grant and adds explicit termination conditions to that patent grant. Termination in Mozilla is covered in section 8.2. The termination in Apache applies to the relevant patents, while the Mozilla license terminates on any patent. That’s an important distinction when it comes to litigation; I’m not sure it has a place in this iconic scheme, though.
Trademarks: Neither (software, copyright) license grants a trademark license. Apache makes this explicit.
Distribution: Mozilla clause 3.1 and Apache clause 4.1 both require distributing the license text. Both require a notice of modifications made to the original source, but Mozilla wants that in a separate file while Apache allows you to annotate the files themselves. This is similar to the GPLv2 clause 2a, and is something that I very rarely see people (or Free Software projects) do systematically. I don’t think it’s a crucial difference.
Copyleft: Ha, I’m such a moron. How could I have missed this? See, Mozilla clause 3.1 and 3.2 say that the Mozilla license applies to the source code and that the source must be available, also for modified versions. While you may distribute executables under a different license, they must have corresponding source code available under the Mozilla license. So that’s a copyleft license, and the source for executables is available. But … and this is a pretty darn big but … the Apache license does not require this. Clause 4 says a number of things about distribution as source, and allows distribution in object form, but places no restrictions on the distribution of object forms except that the license needs to be included. In other words, you can use the Apache license and distribute binaries without providing source. With Mozilla, you can’t.
So it’s a good thing that the similarity in the reduced representations of the licenses (i.e. the row of icons) has led to a re-examination of the licenses, because it leads to the understanding that the licenses are not the same, by a long shot. Of course, I could have just looked it up in the FSF license list: Mozilla (copyleft, not GPL compatible) and Apache (no copyleft, GPL compatible). If I were a professor I’d claim I’d made the error intentionally in order to spur closer examination of both licenses.
Mozilla Public License v.1.1
Apache License v.2
Tomorrow I’ll carry on with the next 10 licenses in the top-20 list to see if any interesting new features show up, and then on Saturday I can wrap up with a table showing the 10-mile view of all those licenses.
Understanding licenses, bit by bit
December 16th, 2009
An idea that is suggested every now and then is to look at software licensing and give it a kind of “Creative Commons” feel; that is, present the terms of the license in a pleasant and orderly way by means of icons. Now, we’ve already come to the realization that calling something “Creative Commons licensed” is vague to the point of being useless (just “some rights reserved“). Calling something “Free Software” is also vague, but there is a rock-solid guarantee at the bottom: the term guarantees you, the recipient of the software, at least the Four Freedoms. Any Open Source software you receive usually means at least the Four Freedoms as well. So you need to say which CC, which Free Software license, which Open Source license.
CC has six licenses; they are split neatly and orthogonally along the commercial / non-commercial and yes / share-alike / no axes.
The thing is, CC is a much simpler system because it applies to work where there are no patent concerns, where embedded systems don’t have a place, where share-alike has a simpler meaning. I have trouble bringing this same simplicity to software licensing, but I thought I would give it a try.
First off, every Free Software license gives you the right to run (presumably also to compile and then run), study, and modify the work; it must be possible to (re)distribute the (modified) work. So those are the basic permissions. We could put them under a basic “Free Software” symbol, like I’ve done here.
Now we get to modifiers of the basic license. What is allowed by one Free Software license, and not allowed by another? Where do the licenses differ on essential points? Going through such an exercise opens up the debate on what constitutes an essential point of difference between licenses. Still, I think we can agree that many licenses ask you to deliver the complete corresponding source along with a binary. Details (written offers, etc.) differ greatly though. In the interest of simplicity, though, we’ll just lump it all together as “publish the source”. The BSD License allows binary distribution without publishing the source, so it doesn’t get this symbol.
Now to distinguish strong copyleft from weak copyleft — that’s really important when you want to know what the effect is on your own code and own license choices if you are going to incorporate another piece of Free Software into yours. I suppose, actually, that we don’t need to distinguish this dimension from the previous “publish the source” dimension: I think every “publish the source” license is also one of the two kinds of copyleft (although I can imagine a license that says you must re-publish the original source, but not necessarily your modifications).
So how about Tivoization? Or in other words, embedding into a device and then selling, renting or lending the device instead of delivering the software sec? It’s a real difference between GPLv2 and GPLv3. It’s explicitly mentioned in some faux Free Software licenses that allow use except when embedded. I call them faux (fake) because Freedom 0 is the Freedom to use, for any purpose, and clauses 5 and 6 of the Open Source Definition do much the same. So let’s add that dimension into the mix.
I’ll throw in patent grants as another factor. This is an over-broad blanket, because the subtleties of patent licensing are devilish. The Apache License, version 2 for instance contains a patent grant with a termination clause. So does the CDDL.
So, let’s take a look (squinting through this rather imperfect telescope) at the big picture. We’ll take the top 10 licenses (according to Black Duck Software) and for each, label it with icons like these and comment on what’s been missed out by the icon scheme. Note that these are not necessarily all Free Software licenses, and not all of them are widely used across the Free Software ecosystem.
- GPLv2
“The original and best” Most widely used license, apparently applied to nearly 50% of all Free Software projects. I imagine that 50% also comes from things like “v2 or (at your option) any later version” licensing. - LGPLv2.1
- Artistic
Artistic is applied to a huge number of Perl modules, which are counted individually, which is why Artistic shows up as a significant license force, even if it is almost unused outside of the Perl community. - BSD 2-clause
- GPLv3
The Tivoization clause (part of section 6) can be disabled in the GPLv3 by granting additional permissions in accordance with section 7, if you really want. - Apache 2.0
- Code Project Open 1.02
The CPOL is a strange license. It is not OSI approved, as near as I can tell. It seems to disallow the distribution of modified works, certain uses are disallowed by the license (immoral ones), there’s a no-sale clause, indemnity, and some other bits that make this license difficult for me to place anywhere in the world of Free Software. - MS-PL
The MS-PL is kind of strange; I’ve never seen it in practice. It looks roughly — very roughly — like BSD plus a patent clause. This is a Free Software license, but GPL-incompatible. - Mozilla
Comments on my artistic icon skills should be addressed to Nuno Pinheiro. You may be able to hire him to do very nice icons for this set-up, and Björn Balazs can do usability testing on them. Kolourpaint FTW. Now, as for the accuracy of this table, I’ll say it’s a best-effort one-morning overview, so there may be plenty of errors in there. The point is the principle of reducing the licenses to a sequence of icons. The icon for patent is a patent troll (notice the glowing red eyes) because I couldn’t think of anything better.
So, errors and omissions aside — I welcome corrections in the comments on this blog — we need to ask the question: does this scheme of badges highlight any (all?) of the essential differences between the different licenses? If not, what additional discriminatory characteristic should we add to distinguish them?
Based on this list, we see that BSD 2-clause and MIT are “the same”. Are they really? Well, it depends on how you interpret the second clause of the BSD 2-clause license and whether the single MIT clause implies it. In a world of good faith, you could satisfy the MIT license by doing what the BSD 2-clause license asks you to do. So I think I could be satisfied that this is a same-difference identification of two licenses.
But we could look at some others — is Apache equivalent to Mozilla in all meaningful ways? How about LGPLv2.1 and Artistic? That, however, will have to wait for another day. Where I set out to demonstrate that you can’t reduce licenses to blurbs and icons, I haven’t done so yet — and still, such a reduction might be useful from a license selection standpoint, because you can pick and choose based on broad categories of license behavior.
KDE SC 4.4.0 beta 1 on OpenSolaris
December 15th, 2009
Just a heads up that the KDE4-OpenSolaris group has now got KDE SC 4.4.0 beta 1 (version number 4.3.80) building the following components: base, pim, games and graphics. For me that’s what makes a minimal desktop. Getting Akonadi up and running was the biggest challenge, because it needed a fix down in Qt related to bit-twiddling, compiler flags related to aliasing, and mutexes. One line, but it took quite some time to hunt down and rebuild.
You can get the sources for the specfiles here, and build from source. It will take a while. If you’ve built Qt 4.6.0 previously from the repo, do remember to remove it first because of this mutex change (we still don’t have a good means of getting pkgtool to decide when to upgrade). Background information for this effort may be found on KDE Techbase.
Doing it right (on the wrong side of town)
December 15th, 2009
Ah, the Powder Blues band. Apologies, mostly.
I know a place on the wrong side of town,
Where the band width is cookin and they’re loading on down,
Joe compiles like his souls on fire,
Baking a new firmware for a telephone wire,
Rev up the sources, compliance comes down,
Doin it right on the wrong side of town!
In these troubled times, I thought I’d share some tales of companies doing it (relatively) right. Thanks to the quiet pressure and diplomacy of and their (and FSFE, too) desire to work on dialogue and long-term solutions, it’s possible to find consumer electronics in Europe that are compliant (within the wriggle room that is left in the notion of “compliance”).
In September I picked up a Lacie Network Space drive. 1TB, I think, UPnP server, black, glossy. So of course the first thing I did was go looking for GPL violations. This ended up with a half dozen folks standing around a table, red wine in hand, an improvised network on the floor. The manual of the product doesn’t mention the GPL. If you boot it up, you can get the syslog:
Jan 1 00:00:28 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.0 (2006.11.03-14:53+0000)
Jan 1 00:00:29 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.1.0 (2006.11.03-14:53+0000)
Jan 1 00:00:29 kernel: Linux version (jrichefeu@grp-horus) (gcc version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2)) #3 Tue Feb 3 14:04:45 CET 2009
Jan 1 00:00:29 kernel: CPU: ARM926EJ-Sid(wb) [41069260] revision 0 (ARMv5TEJ)
I should add it’s really quiet a nice piece of kit, except it never spins the disk down. And of course, the manual doesn’t mention the GPL. But the support section of the website does, and it’s not difficult to find the source downloads section. I haven’t verified that these are the complete and corresponding sources. It looks reasonable, though.
More recently I bought a Conceptronic Media Giant Plus, which is a HDD plus codecs and a bunch of A/V plugs, so it goes right into the TV — and then videos and whatnot go on the HDD, and play from there. The UI is a little clunky, but it works well enough, and if it saves having to go through and find the right DVD for the kids all the time, that’s fine by me. I don’t know what the hardware inside is exactly; it’s been on only once so far to copy the Eefje Wentelteefje TV Show onto it.
The box comes with a thin leaflet of license compliance statements. “Great!” I thought, but it turns out to be MPEG-4 compliance, and Fraunhofer, and all kinds of commercial licenses, patent licenses, consortium licenses, etc. No mention of the GPL. No mention of the software actually running on the machine. “Drat!” thought I. I don’t rub my hands together and cackle evilly then, though.
So my surprise was a little greater when I leafed through the (thick and comprehensive) user manual and found, at the back, a chapter “Licensing Information”.
This Conceptronic product (Media Giant) includes copyrighted third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. .. the following parts of this product are subject to the GNU GPL: (list including busybox, xine, Linux kernel). … Conceptronic as eposed (sic – exposed?) the full source code of the GPL licensed software, including any scripts to control compilation and installation of the object code. All future firmware updates will also be accompanied with their respective source code. For more information on how you can obtain our open source code, please visit our web site.
That text is followed by the full text of the GPL version 2, the LGPL version 2.1 and the FreeType license, 2006-Jan-27.
So, that’s pretty thorough except that a “visit our website” isn’t all that specific. I couldn’t find any links to the source on the product page, but some searching turned up the source at last.
So here’s two cases of “yeah, that’s ok, could be better, keep trying” — it’s like dealing with my son learning to ride a bicycle, they need some encouragement and support, because they’re still learning.
Back from EOLE
December 13th, 2009
Wednesday I was at the European Parliament building for the EOLE. The event is a medium-sized (say 60 attendees) legal oriented event around Free Software; this year it featured a track full of definitional goodness — let’s try to formulate words commonly used in Free Software (in licenses, but also other writing) in terms that lawyers can understand.
This kind of event is useful because it works towards normalizing the vocabulary used by practitioners in this area: in other words, we end up calling a spade a spade. If we can agree on what “source code” means exactly in the context of the GPL (actually, version 3 has a fairly lengthy definition, which is something we can work with), then it becomes much easier to consistently advise projects and businesses on how they can best engage with Free Software.
Any get-together of people with a strong legal background in Free Software is sure to bring out some more interesting interpretations or corner cases. There’s always another jurisdiction or recent ruling to take into account, and of course every now and then another new license rears its ugly head (like the Jiggy Wanna license, which is basically Sleepycat if I read it right, but still different). In many ways the resulting discussion “dude! if you squint just like so and read the GPLv2, it turns into a dinosaur!” is a lot like a Free Software technology conference “dude! if you hold your breath and do this DBus call, dinosaurs come out of the firewire port!” Fun corner cases, even when we realize that the core values and meaning in uncomplicated cases (read: situations entered into in good faith by all parties) are well understood.
For me — and just how many times have I read the darn GPL, anyway? — the best insight of the day was the proviso of the GPL that says that the written offer of source code availability (if you don’t deliver the source with a binary distribution) must be valid for any third party. So that has a definite effect on your obligations under the GPL; it also affects some GPL-related advice I’ve given in the past to people, as I thought that the written offer applied only to those who have obtained the (binary) distribution. In a license, every letter counts (which is, in a sense, also unfortunate, because that’s why we have so many).
Tribulations of a packager (3)
December 8th, 2009
I’m writing these lines from inside Konqueror 4.3.80 on OpenSolaris. I wrote previously that Konq is much better with WordPress nowadays, so that means I can blog from a browser I like under an OS that I like (or I could boot into FreeBSD and do the same thing thanks to the efforts of miwi and the gang). It was Sinterklaas this weekend, and the ole Sint brought the kids too many toys and brought me updates to the spec files for KDE software on OSOL.
Ben Taylor has picked up the prodigious (or is it Sysiphean?) task of updating the dependency tree for Solaris 10 again.
Elsewhere in the stack, strigi was updated to 0.7.0 (thanks Jos for having an official release available), shared-desktop-ontologies was added at version 0.2 (a simple build), soprano was massaged once, then virtuoso added for version 3.52.7, then soprano massaged again, then cursed, then discarded. Then all the staightforward stuff involved in updating libs, pimlibs, base-* — that is basically updating packing lists to reflect new or changed files and removing the patches that we had pushed upstream.
Virtuoso was .. a trial, in any case. I don’t even understand why the dependency is referred to as Virtuoso when it’s about libiodbc; at that point I end up wondering why we require one ODBC library and not another (e.g. UnixODBC has a Qt SQL driver and is KDE friendly). Maybe there’s more undocumented dependencies underneath there — but I can’t find anything about it. Albert seems to be compiling something completely different when he mentions Virtuoso.
Getting libiodbc to compile at all (the code isn’t all that bad) did show up an interesting pattern: there’s a wchar_t based API and a char based API available, and the interface header does this:
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SQLInstallODBC SQLInstallODBCW
This is fine (sortof .. it’s very C-ish) except when the same interface header is included from the library itself. Since the library contains definitions for both SQLInstallODBC(char) and SQLInstallODBCW(wchar_t), the compile breaks. You end up with two definitions for SQLInstallODBCW() instead of one of each. That meant going through and patching each file in the library to not be stupid that way by adding #define SQL_NOUNICODEMAP (I suppose I could have added it to CFLAGS instead). It’s apparent that noone has ever tested this stuff with UNICODE turned on (or perhaps more restrictively, on Solaris with UNICODE on).
Once the library is no longer stupid then it turns out Soprano itself isn’t all that secure about the difference between wchar_t and char. If UNICODE support is on, then consider a line like this one:
SQLExecDirect( hstmt, ( UCHAR* ), utf8Request.length() )
Explicitly munging a UTF-8 request into UCHAR (um .. I’m not sure that the non-unicode interface is supposed to understand UTF-8, really) is going to break if that function is #defined to version that expects a wchar_t parameter there. All in all enough to make me give up on this rapidly and think about other parts of the stack instead.
Since there’s still no KDE 4.4 compilation requirements posted on KDE Techbase as of this writing, (and I don’t feel qualified to add it myself based on my rather grumpy interpretation of what needs documenting) it’s hard to figure out what we should be looking for.
Anyway, in positive news all of KDEBase built for 4.3.80, so that’s why I have konq and konsole; PIM needs some additional new patches (remember: if Akonadi, then add_includes(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})) but on the whole it looks like fairly smooth sailing. Expect updated specs for a build maybe next weekend when Ben and Hajma have finished thrashing the repo.
December 4th, 2009
It’s been a while since I posted stuff about the kids – that is, stuff that is neither FSFE (legal, licensing or policy) nor KDE (development, porting) nor NLUUG (open standards, open systems) related. I could even have titled this post “Who is my family?” to keep with the recent theme of posting random pictures of (sub)groups of people.
My youngest child is five years old. Among other things, that means that he now has “leerplicht”, which is a Dutch way of saying he must attend school during regular school days and hours — so no more rushing away to random countries for conferences for him. I had a vague scheme to take him to at one point, but this year that wonderful conference overlaps with Amiel’s birthday (ok, it would have been cool to have a party in Bangalore) and Sinterklaas (high point of the Dutch family social calendar) which meant that the MOMC put her foot down and said “you will (both) stay here.”
So now it’s december, Amiel is five and happy at school and about to start English classes — maybe I should try to teach Mira some python so she can start writing plasmoids (after all, she’s six).
Who is KDE?
December 3rd, 2009
Look at my horse
My horse is amazing
This is the last of the KDE e.V. board photo montages I’ll do from our recent board meeting in Berlin. You will note that we have considerable skills in rodeo riding as applied to dragons. But for a much better view of the KDE community (“KDE”) you should take a look at the planet or the dot.
Tribulations of a packager (2)
December 3rd, 2009
Just because the source code isn’t all delivered in a tidy bundle to my doorstep with a thank-you note attached, doesn’t mean that I won’t try stuff out. Thanks to Christoph and Holger for explaining some of the WebKit things to me. In the course of today the KDE4-OpenSolaris folks updated the soprano packages, phonon (from an SVN checkout), and futzed around sufficiently that you should be able to build the Essential KDE Desktop (I don’t know where that fits in the new branding: it’s konsole, konqueror, kmail, plus integration with GDM so you can actually log in). As always, the specfiles and patches can be found in the Mercurial repo.
We still have 21 open bugreports against KDE trunk with patches attached (these are the same as patches in that repo, only reported upstream). That’s still a bunch to “encourage” maintainers to pick up. As a general rule, we commit trivia directly (happy constructors, const mismatches), file bugs on larger items, and try to keep the amount of unmergeable cruft to a minimum. I wrote some such cruft today for Dolphin, where apparently ? (some const KFileItemList method) : KFileItemList() << item isn’t acceptable. Sun Studio is particularly picky about types in the ternary operator; come to think of it a const_cast might have done the trick as well: something to experiment with later, because that would be a mergeable-trivia kind of patch.
Sometimes it’s hard to decide what flavor a patch is: today I added find_package(Boost) include_directories(Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS) to a few subdirectories in KDE PIM; that’s because Boost doesn’t live in the default compiler search path, but Akonadi’s headers #include them — so anything using Akonadi must also have the Boost include dirs in its include search path, which wasn’t the case. It’s a minor change, but it doesn’t scream “trivial” to me, so it’s sitting in our repo as “unmergeable cruft” for now.
All that said, that part of KDE SC 4.3.77 that I’ve gotten up and running is really nice; I’ve said it before, but the stuff integrates really well, including the GNOME network manager and notifications done by the pkgbuild tools when I’m building new stuff and the device manager; there’s still plenty to work on as well, but on the whole it pebbles (a small way to rock). Now if only I could start konqueror or dolphin from the menu or krunner — must be some weird crash going on behind the scenes when there’s no tty output. [[ And as a final shot, I should add that Konqueror is almost infinitely better with WordPress now than it was in 4.3.0. ]]