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Blog transfer

I have decided to use Jekyll and Github for future personal posts which, although less powerful than WordPress, makes everything look so clean and elegant. You can find my new kingdom here. If anything, don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.

Making Bizhub work with authentication in Linux

My university department just acquired a Konica Minolta Bizhub printer/scanner/copier and decided that authentication is needed for its daily usage. This created serious issues using it with Linux since default drivers weren’t able to function anymore. There is very little information about this on the Internet and I spent some time to get it to . . . → Read More: Making Bizhub work with authentication in Linux

Using X12-ARIMA with R

For statisticians or econometricians that sometimes encounter situations where you may need a batch of time series forecasts, a common solution would be to use X12-ARIMA which is a public domain software developed by U.S. Census Bureau mainly for detrending and deseasonalizing your data. It fits your univariate time series to a (seasonal) and filtered . . . → Read More: Using X12-ARIMA with R