Broadcast treaty unloved as ever
Being steeped in WIPO stuff for the moment (I think there’s IP on my shirt), it happened that the topic of the prospective Broadcasting Treaty came up in a number of conversations.
Coincidentally (I swear), BoingBoing has an interview with a US Copyright official. Until now, the US have generally shown themselves strongly in favour of the Broadcasting Treaty, which would add another layer of copyright-like rights for the act of broadcasting a work. This would instantly send podcasting and a lot of other “web 2.0” type down the tubes. The US were claiming that the creation of such rights was universally popular.
Now, quotes the official as saying:
…I think the most controversial piece is the scope of the right that’s being created. The position that the US took is well, if you’re going to give that type of a right to a broadcaster — theft of a signal — then you should look at all people who are similarily situated, including webcasters. Now, that has been totally rejected by the rest of the world.”
Coincidentally, I was chatting with a senior WIPO figure today. Apparently, there is very little actual support for such a treaty. That person was at a loss to say which countries were pushing for it. Supposedly, parts of the broadcasting industry are in favour – but then there are substantial parts of that industry which reject such a treaty.
They have probably realised that any revenue from such a new right would end up with their legal department anyway, as broadcasting anything would become horrifyingly complicated.