BSA lies its way through “Global Piracy Study”
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has published the latest edition of its "Global Piracy Study". Here it claims that proprietary software makers have lost US$ 1.8 bn due to piracy in the UK alone last year.
This is bunk, and they know it, as The Register notes:
It’s hard to say how many instances of pirated software represent
actual lost sales at full retail price. The distinction between the
"retail value of pirated software" and "sales lost to piracy" is not
addressed in the BSA’s survey. This point is worth noting because the
BSA uses headline figures on software piracy in the course of its
lobbying efforts.
Of course figures like this make good headlines, but don’t they believe over at the BSA that the consistent use of faulty methodology may harm their credibility?
But then, there never was much to be harmed in the first place, was there.