Absurd WIPO quotes (1)

Though I really shouldn’t be blogging, I can’t help it (this might provide a hint as to why).

Currently, I am evaluating tons of WIPO papers from the first round of the Development Agenda debate (2005) for my master’s thesis. Some (actually most) of these have some amazing soundbites. If you think about them for a minute, they make your head spin with the level of ignorance, bad faith and cynicism that’s behind them.

So I decided to start a little series for the next few days, supplying you, my faithful readers, with fine examples of how caringly the governments of this world dedicate their attention to a balanced system of intellectual monopoly powers (sometimes erroneously called "intellectual property"). 

The first one for today is from Mexico in April 2005.

 The lack of knowledge of the system on the part of the population is
commonly observed and, in some cases, the population considers the
failure to observe the system or infringements thereof as conduct which
cannot be sanctioned or is socially acceptable; for this sector the
benefits derived from the intellectual property system and the use of
the system as a development factor are completely alien. Lack of
awareness of the system has become a cause of inefficiency as well as an
obstacle to development. 

The sanction of conduct which infringes intellectual property is of no use,
if it is not complemented by appropriate dissemination and understanding of
the system. In addition, ignorance and the failure to observe the system lead
to the formation of criminal groups, on occasions of a cross border nature and
linked to other unlawful activities such as money laundering.

In their entire proposal, Mexico totally ignores that monopolies on knowledge are not the natural state of affairs. Instead, they propose that WIPO should aggressively indoctrinate the populations of developing countries, to foster their belief in a Most Holy IMP system.

The link to organised crime is especially elegant.

Gapminder: visualising poverty data

Gapminder (flash site) is a website that makes it easy to browse country income statistics by visualising them in nice, colorful graphs and animations that suit the attention span of my generation.

YABFG – Yet Another Beta From Google -, Gapminder combines data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators and the United Nations Common Database.

It’s somewhat terrifying to have Gapminder replay an animation that shows the income group each country is in, from 1960 to 2000 – and almost nothing changes. Rich countries stay rich, poor countries stay poor. Only the populations grow, and a few new countries pop up.

 So much for economic development.

Why they call it "free software for a world in motion" is beyond me, though. It’s gratis, that’s about it.

“The Corruptibles”: Copy-fightin’ toon

EFF has just released a little cartoon movie about the superpowers that new laws in the US could award the entertainment industry. Funny and chilling at the same time. Check it out!

The evil superheroes look like evil twins of the Invincibles, and the © on their chests make them unmistakable. Let’s fight back!

(via BoingBoing)


Cockroach controlled mobile robot

More on the hardware side of things: Look what I found on YouTube this morning. It’s a little robot that wheels around the room and is steered by, yes, a cockroach.

The little critter is walking on what appears to be a pingpong ball, thereby moving the ball; the principle seems to be similar to that of a ball mouse from the good olde days.

(More on YouTube as a copyright sink later, when I have time. )

Copy/South fights restrictive copyright

Recently, Copy/South was brought to my attention. It’s a research group that consists of people from all over the world. They 

seek to research the inner workings of the global copyright system and its largely
negative effects on the global South.

And in the course, they have produced some very nice materials. There is, for one, a reader containing a whopping 208 pages of discussion on the copyright system.

They also have a neat poster corner, with posters that ask some intelligent questions:

Are we really living in an information society when most information has been

The copyright notice says "not restricted by copyright". Question for the legal freaks: Does that mean it’s public domain? Or is it simply an invalid copyright notice that serves merely as a declaration of intent?

Copyright propaganda comics for kids

Michael Geist points out a copyright propaganda scheme – "Captain Copyright" – by the Canadian government that tries to indoctrinate six-year-olds about the dangers of sharing knowledge.

 While my first reaction to the site was that it is just silly, as I dug deeper, I now find it shameful.  These materials, targeting kids as young as six years old, misrepresents many issues and proposes classroom activities that are offensive.

This is a good opportunity to point out another set of comics that operate at the same level: those done by WIPO itself (.pdf). If you’re looking for a painful dive into the world of brain-numbing propaganda, this is your ticket.

If that has made you sick, the Alternative Law Forum has the cure: they’ve drawn up a fine parody (.pdf).

I hope someone does the same for Captain Copyright. Any takers?

via boingboing

Creative Commons @ Short Film Festival Hamburg

For any film-maker, it’s only a short step into copyright hell. Who’s got the copyright on the script? How to deal with outtakes from other movies? Questions like that can break a low/no-budget short film.

At the International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany, my friend Meike Richter will present Creative Commons as an alternative to the conventional monopolisation of ideas. That event takes place on Sunday, June 4, 12-15.  

Check by if you get a chance.  

Libraries & copyright workshop in Kiev

Last weekend (yes, I know, it’s been a while), librarian organisation eIFL-IP (Electronic Information for Libraries) held a workshop in Kiev, Ukraine. Participants came from countries of the former Soviet Union, from Mongolia, Arabia, Ghana and Cambodia. Quite an international environment, and very interesting people.

Libraries for me have always been a wellspring of knowledge, so it was a pleasure to spend time with librarians. They are, like Free Software, a community that is increasingly affected by ill-designed and overly restrictive copyright laws. Here, they were taught about how to advocate their interests in their home countries.

There were a number of very interesting presentations, among them one on the link between trade and intellectual monopoly powers. I gave two talks: one on Free Software and sharing knowledge, and one on the WIPO Development Agenda.

A press release from the workshop is here.


FSF US takes street to protest Vista DRM

At Seattle’s WinHEC conference yesterday, activists of the Free Software Foundations "Defective by Design"-campaign informed attendees about the dangers of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), just as Bill Gates was about to give a keynote speech on the new Windows Vista’s DRM features and Microsoft’s future.

From FSF’s article about the campaign: 

"In any other industry, such limitations or invasions would be
considered major flaws. A media player that restricts what you can play
is like a car that you won’t let you steer," said Brown. "Products
containing DRM are defective — only, unlike other products, these
defects are deliberately created by an industry that has long stopped
caring about us."

The protesters wore bright-yellow suits for dealing with hazardous material, conveying the message that DRM pollutes personal computers and turns them into a danger to their users.

Photos are available on flickr. 

via BoingBoing