German “online search” engine

In Germany, a discussion is raging on whether the police should be allowed to search a suspect’s computer by hacking into it (rather than by confiscating it and reading out the hard drive). 

Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is the chief advocate of this. The youth organisation of the Social Democrats — a party that shares the government with Schäuble’s Conservatives and isn’t necessarily opposed to the measure — has developed its own vision of what such a tool might look like. 

Research paper on WIPO Broadcasting Treaty

The talks about a broadcasting treaty at WIPO have collapsed for now. But I bet this wasn’t the last time we’ve heard of it.

The South Centre has just published a research paper (.pdf, 350 kB), looking at the broadcasting treaty from the perspective of developing countries. Here’s what it says in a nutshell:

The research paper concludes that there is a lack of evidence indicating that the array of additional rights and protection for broadcasting and cablecasting organizations, as incorporated in the text of a Revised Draft Basic Proposal for a WIPO Treaty on the Protection of  Broadcasting Organizations, are either necessary or desirable from a developing country perspective. On the other hand, evidence suggests that the proposed treaty in its current form would create more costs thanbenefits in the short- and long-term for developing countries and is not conducive to social and economic development.

You might think that it’s tough luck for the authors, Viviana Munoz of the South Centre’s Innovation and Access to Knowledge (IAKP) Programme and Andrew Chegue Waitara, a researcher at the Plato Institute in Nairobi: Now that the paper is out, the talks have collapsed.

But I wouldn’t be so sure. Firstly, the South Centre’s research papers are usually very insightful and substantial, so I suppose this one will go on to influence a lot of discussions.

And secondly, the phrase is floating around that the Broadcast Treaty now is “a problem waiting for a place to happen”. The treaty’s backers will take their worries to other fora, or try to strike bilateral deals. If keeping bad regulation out of one treaty is bad, try keeping it out of some fifty to hundred bilateral agreements.

My advice is to grab the paper now, give it a read, and save it for another day, when the Broadcast Zombie will start roaming the lands again.

Finally: WIPO has a Development Agenda

Last week brought truly good news. After two years of negotiations, it looks like the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) may finally turn into an organisation that works for the interest of society at large, rather than just those of a small group of major holders of intellectual monopolies.

Last week’s meeting of the “Provisional Committee on a Development Agenda” (PCDA) resulted in a total of 45 recommendations (derived from 111 proposals).

WIPO’s General Assembly still has to approve the recommendations in September.

While this is not quite cherry pie and whipped cream for all, it’s a little step in a new direction. It gives me hope that there may be a day when WIPO no longer, as Cory Doctorow says,

has the same relation to bad copyright that Mordor has to evil.

A large coalition of civil society groups got together for this debate under the banner of Access to Knowledge (A2K). Thanks are due to all of them, here are links to just a few. FSFE was involved from the beginning, and I’m proud of having contributed something to this process. FSFE’s participation was only possible thanks to support from the community. It’s always difficult to find the money to attend WIPO meetings; Geneva is expensive. Thank you all!

Sangeeta Shashikant from the Third World Network has posted a first analysis of the outcome. Developing countries didn’t get all they hoped for, and had to abandon some of their core proposals. On the other hand, two years ago nobody thought that this was actually possible.

 IPWatch says:

Negotiators concluded a weeklong meeting with agreements on a wide range of proposals for new development-related activities – some hard to imagine for WIPO two years ago – and a recommendation to set up a new committee to implement the proposals.

“This is a major achievement,” said a participating official. “It’s a complete overhaul of the WIPO concept, broadening it to reflect society’s growing concern with ownership of technologies and knowledge, and its effects for the future, both in developed and developing countries.”

Recommendations cut across al areas of WIPO, from its work in “technical assistance” (advice to developing countries on building systems for the enforcement of intellectual monopolies) to WIPO’s own mandate and governance. The recommendations about the organisation’s mandate could prove crucial. The PCDA recommends that WIPO should coordinate its work more closely with other UN organisations, something that more conservative members were reluctant to do. After all, a discussion about copyright exceptions for educational materials might turn out slightly different when UNESCO is involved.

Another recommendation is ” To request WIPO, within its mandate, to expand the scope of its activities aimed at bridging the digital divide, in accordance with the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), also taking into account the significance of the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF).” This may help to introduce more progressive views on the digital world into WIPO, and would have been unthinkable two years ago

The recommendations still need to be adopted by WIPO’s General Assembly in September. I’m curious to see how this goes – the whole process was a heated battle, and progressive texts have a tendency of disappearing at WIPO. But if these recommendations are adopted, WIPO will be on a path that’s much more helpful not only for developing countries, but for everybody on this planet who isn’t a major record label, movie studio or pharmaceutical giant. The latter three may suffer if they cling to their outdated business models, but don’t worry about them just yet. They’ll retain more than enough political influence.

The United States, which had been the staunchest opponents of a Development Agenda for WIPO during the negotiation process, emphasised that the decisions taken were within WIPO’s mandate. In what looks like an attempt to establish a give-and-take, they also sought to link the results to renewed work on harmonising national patent laws across the globe. This has long been a pet goal of the US, but developing countries are sceptical, as they think they are unlikely to benefit.

Extensive reporting on last week’s negotiations and the Development Agenda in general can be found at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (in English), at FGV law school (in Brazilian Portuguese), and at Knowledge Ecology International (in English). They were some of the numerous civil society groups that put a huge amount of work into making this happen.

Anti-climax at WIPO: Broadcasting treaty not quite dead

It’s been a harrowing day, and I’m not even near Geneva, where the negotiations on a WIPO broadcasting treaty went through some ups and downs today. After yesterday’s session, it looked as if the treaty would be gone for good, as numerous delegations had piled in to make new demands just before closing time.

Today, on the last day of the relevant committee’s session, the chairman (who’s been on the job for decades, apparently) came back with the recommendation – to the sound of jaws dropping – to convene a diplomatic conference next year. A conference means that the treaty is basically a done deal.

In today’s afternoon session, negotiators finally reached an anti-climax, which is quite typical for WIPO. The treaty will stay on the committee’s agenda, but that’s it for now:

The General Assembly decides that the subject of protection of broadcasting and cablecasting organizations be retained in the agenda of the SCCR for its regular sessions, and considers the convening of a diplomaticconference only after agreement on object and scope of the treaty […].

Thanks to KEI’s Manon Ress  for quickly posting the decisions. They’ll take weeks to appear on the WIPO website; so much for transparency.

Dell refunds Microsoft Licences

Marcus Dapp has managed to return the Microsoft Windows and Works licences for his new Dell laptop, and to get the money refunded. Apparently, it was quite simple, with only a couple of emails back and forth. Congratulations!

Read the story in English or German, and feel free to use his mails to get your own refund.

Though it’s nice to see that it’s possible to return unused licences, I’m looking forward to the day when my new computer comes with a free OS pre-installed, not with proprietary programs I don’t want or need.


Dell customers want GNU/Linux pre-installed

At, the computer seller is running a forum where people can post what they would like Dell to offer. At the top of the list are  — you guessed it — computers with GNU/Linux pre-installed. 

So what’s the second-most popular idea, then? OpenOffice pre-installed. Also in the top ten are a laptop working 100% with GNU/Linux, the option to buy a computer without an OS, and Firefox pre-installed as a default browser.

Would be nice to see Dell give their customers what they’re asking for.

via Slashdot

High-profile expert to leave South Centre suddenly

IP-Watch reports that Sisule Musungu, a key expert of the international community  discussing copyright and patent reform, has been asked to leave his position yesterday without warning.

He was the head of the South Centre’s Innovation and Access to Knowledge programme. In this function, he worked hard to give more weight to the interests of developing countries at the WTO, WIPO, and many a UN organisation. He is a prime expert on policies about copyrights, patents and other intellectual monopoly powers (IMPs), and much respected throughout the  Access to Knowledge scene.

He is the author of numerous texts on TRIPS, patents, and the consequences of IMPs on developing countries. He is also a brilliant thinker and analyst.

The South Centre is an intergovernmental think tank for developing countries in Geneva. It is vital in coordinating southern policy interests, as developing country representation at international organisations often suffers from a lack of coordination.

IPWatch says that his departure is related to a disagreement with the South Centre’s director, and that Musungu will challenge the decision. I’ve benefitted enormously from Sisule’s expertise, and hope to be able to continue meeting him in my line of work, in this function or another important one.

Brits: Help ensure Free Software access to BBC content!

The BBC is asking the "commercial sector, industry bodies, interests groups and BBC management" and — gasp — even "licence fee payers" (shouldn’t they put them first? After all, it’s where a bunch of their money comes from) for input on how they’d like new BBC services to be implemented. One of those services would be to make all (or at least most) BBC material online a week after it’s been broadcast.

In a rather clunky process, you can go to the BBC Trust’s website, download a PDF with some proposed questions and let them know what you think. One item is especially worth considering:

 "How important is it that the proposed seven-day catch-up service over the internet is available to consumers who are not using Microsoft software?"

 Rather important, I should say. It’s definitely worth a few minutes of your time. At’em, me hearties! Make the BBC support open standards!

via BoingBoing

Second Life? Get a first life! [update]

While Stefano relishes his Free Software client for Second Life, BoingBoing brings us this beauty:

Get a First Life: "Your World. Sorry about that."

 The website states that "First Life is a 3D analogue world where server lag does not exist", and encourages us to "Go outside — Membership is free".

One of the main features of First Life? "Fornicate using your own genitals." Hey, I’m a resident!

What makes this parody even cooler is that Linden Labs, the company that runs Second Life, sent the author a "proceed and permitted" letter, the opposite of the usual "cease and desist". 


Dedicated First Life residents might also be interested in gadgets such as pMail and the iPad. Unusual for Apple, the latter even comes without crippling DRM!

(both via BoingBoing)