Copyright propaganda comics for kids

Michael Geist points out a copyright propaganda scheme – "Captain Copyright" – by the Canadian government that tries to indoctrinate six-year-olds about the dangers of sharing knowledge.

 While my first reaction to the site was that it is just silly, as I dug deeper, I now find it shameful.  These materials, targeting kids as young as six years old, misrepresents many issues and proposes classroom activities that are offensive.

This is a good opportunity to point out another set of comics that operate at the same level: those done by WIPO itself (.pdf). If you’re looking for a painful dive into the world of brain-numbing propaganda, this is your ticket.

If that has made you sick, the Alternative Law Forum has the cure: they’ve drawn up a fine parody (.pdf).

I hope someone does the same for Captain Copyright. Any takers?

via boingboing