Yale A2K rocks – where to get the details
The Yale A2K conference has started today in the afternoon, and what a whale of a conference it is.
Even during the opening panel and a short coffee break, I have already run into a number of people I was (and am) extremely keen to meet. Academics such as Yochai Benkler and Sisule Musungu mingle with high-level activists like Jamie Love, as well as politicians – and a good number of really bright students.
So far, the panels have been really good. Concise and high-class presentations, bright questions. This is going to be a lot of fun.
Since I actually want to follow the conference, I won’t summarise each presentation or panel. There are others who do this much better. The organisers have done great work, which includes a conference wiki that is being updated as the conference proceeds. (Great! Every conference should have that.)
Also, William New of IP Watch is here. Though his article is not yet online as of this posting, he will surely be covering this event in his usual excellent and detailed fashion.
Conference related information can also be found at Lawmeme.