New EDRIgram
The new EDRIgram is out. Contents are:
1. Article 29 asks for safeguards on data retention
2. US wants access to retained traffic data
3. Free parental control software in France
4. Changes in the Slovenian Intelligence Agency Act
5. Lie detectors in Russian airports
6. UK teachers are spied in classrooms
7. Legal actions against file-sharers in Europe
My fabourite is No. 5. Dig this:
Meant to identify terrorists or other types of criminals, a lie-detecting
device developed in Israel, known as "truth verifier," will be first
introduced in Moscow’s Domodedovo airport as early as July. The technology,
already used by UK insurance companies, is said to be able to detect answers
coming from imagination or memory.
And you thought that being fingerprinted upon entering the US of A was a pain.