Google: Censorship comes home

First China, now the US. As The Register reports, Google US refuses to do its job as a search engine properly, and denies its users access to a rather innocent video of US troops detonating a roadside bomb in Iraq.

Described by one Reg reader as "very boring", the
footage shows little more than a distant plume of smoke. Google has
little cause to prohibit the clip on grounds of taste – after all,
under the banner of promoting "citizens media", it cheerfully serves up
"happy slapping" footage of school thugs beating up science students,
and some impressive ejaculation shots from porn videos.

UPDATE: The story is bunk. Now, El Reg says:


Alas it’s not Google that’s doing the censoring – and a big red-faced Oops from
The Reg. Google explained last week that uploaders had made the decision not to
make the clip available to US internet users.

Thanks, tgb. This one still holds, AFAICT:

Speaking of porn videos: Another Reg story reports that seven US soldiers are facing severe disciplinary consequences – for acting in a gay porn video.

The men are charged with "sodomy, pandering and engaging in sex for
money while being filmed", Reuters reports. One is also charged with

Now there’s a liberal employer. Welcome to the 21st century. I didn’t
know that "engaging in sex for money while being filmed" was actually a crime. Well, maybe in places like Iran. And adultery? Please.