Music major comes to its senses

Finally, a music sort-of-major has noticed that suing your customers might not be the most effective form of marketing. As El Reg reports, the Canadian label Nettwerk, which manages Avril Lavigne and Dido, is intervening in a case where the RIAA is suing a family over alledgedly illegal downloads of music.

The privately-owned Nettwerk Music Group is intervening, it says, because the songs downloaded by the Gruebel family include Avril Lavigne, a Nettwerk management client. Nettwerk will fund the Gruebel’s defense. “The current actions of the RIAA are not in my artists’ best interests,” said Nettwerk chief executive Terry McBride in a statement. “Litigation is not ‘artist development’. Litigation is a deterrent to creativity and passion and it is hurting the business I love.”

It seems that there are some intelligent and forward-thinking people left in the music business. Kudos to them.