New EDRIgram out

The European Digital Rights Initiative (EDRI) just published their bi-weekly EDRIgram newsletter. Topics are:

Urgent call for pledges of support for EDRI-gram 1. Final push for single EP vote on data retention 2. EDRI and PI call on EP to reject data retention 3. Polish plans for 15 years mandatory data retention 4. Urgency procedure for draft French anti-terrorism law 5. New anti-terrorism measures in Denmark 6. Launch of Digital Rights Ireland 7. Illegal video surveillance on Slovenian motorways 8. Post-WSIS civil society letter to Kofi Annan 9. NL supreme court ruling on internet anonymity 10. Results e-society conference in Macedonia 11. Advocate General European Court rejects PNR deal 12. Cryptography almost banned in the Czech Republic 13. Agenda

It’s always very informative, and an easy way to stay up-to-date on digital civil rights issues in Europe. Dive in!