Second Life? Get a first life! [update]

While Stefano relishes his Free Software client for Second Life, BoingBoing brings us this beauty:

Get a First Life: "Your World. Sorry about that."

 The website states that "First Life is a 3D analogue world where server lag does not exist", and encourages us to "Go outside — Membership is free".

One of the main features of First Life? "Fornicate using your own genitals." Hey, I’m a resident!

What makes this parody even cooler is that Linden Labs, the company that runs Second Life, sent the author a "proceed and permitted" letter, the opposite of the usual "cease and desist". 


Dedicated First Life residents might also be interested in gadgets such as pMail and the iPad. Unusual for Apple, the latter even comes without crippling DRM!

(both via BoingBoing)