WIPO: Chile proposal

Things are starting to move again at WIPO.. With the first meeting of a Development Agenda Committee due at the end of February (I have my plane tickets already), Chile has submitted an interesting proposal (.pdf).

Core points are:

Proposal 1: Appraisal of the public domain Proposal 2: Importance of complementary systems to and in intellectual property Proposal 3: Study for assessing what are the appropriate levels of intellectual property, considering the particular situation in each country, specifically its degree of development and institutional capacity

And Free Software is in there, too:

[…] it should be considered that the specific intellectual property system enables creators and innovators, and also rightsholders in general, to implement various models for the dissemination or exploitation of creations or innovations, such as open licensing systems. Within such creations or innovations, the expansion of free software and other open licenses such as Creative Commons suggests the need to identify, study and disseminate the licensing options which co-exist within the intellectual property system.