…and yes 2012 was indeed a good year

Despite the abstention from keyboard. My life went into a new road so I had to change my tires. But where I’ve been?

At the shooting range, and I’m still there. I survive amid the crisis, decently. Meanwhile, some people tried to bully me on the web but I’m too hard to be dead. I think the financial 危机 is an opportunity. A chance to get better and better everyday, and trying to survive like a Spartan, with only olives and bread on the table.

Things will get better, we receive or not our junkie money dose; and then we go to La Scala.

Happy New Year 2012

Happy new year 2012 to all friends, fellow supporters of Free Software. All the best to your projects, programming related or not, wishes to your families and hope for a better and more free world.