>AROS Research Operating System


There are two open source projects that are keeping the Amiga legacy alive even if Amiga Inc. seems to be deader than a doornail and not really doing much but selling old Classic Amiga games for new platforms. (sic)

The AROS Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It’s an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with AmigaOS at the API level (like Wine, unlike UAE), while improving on it in many areas. The source code is available under an open source license, which allows anyone to freely improve upon it.

Το AROS Research Operating System είναι ένα “ελαφρύ”, αποτελεσματικό και ευέλικτο λειτουργικό σύστημα, σχεδιασμένο να σας βοηθήσει να εκμεταλευτείτε στο έπακρο τον υπολογιστή σας. Είναι ένα αναξάρτητο, μεταφέρσιμο και δωρεάν λειτουργικό που σκοπεύει να είναι συμβατό με το AmigaOS σε επίπεδο API (όπως το Wine, όχι σαν το UAE), ενώ ταυτόχρονα το βελτιώνει σε πολλούς τομείς. Ο πηγαίος κώδικας είναι διαθέσιμος σύμφωνα με μία άδεια ανοιχτού λογισμικού (open source license) που επιτρέπει στον καθένα να τον τροποποιήσει ελεύθερα.


[1] http://games.slashdot.org

>Support MariaDB


What is the goal of MariaDB?

To provide a community developed, stable, and always Free branch of MySQL that is, on the user level, compatible with the main version. We strive for total interoperability with our upstreams and our own community.

MariaDB will be kept up to date with the latest MySQL release from the same branch. For example MariaDB 5.1 will be kept up to date with MySQL 5.1.

We will do a merge from the MySQL branch for every new MySQL release or when there is some fatal bugfix applied to the main branch.

We strive to keep our main trees as free from bugs as possible. It should be reasonably safe to pull from our trees at any time. We work to provide builds of the main branch and active development branches every month.


[1] http://askmonty.org/