anna.morris's blog

Just another FSFE Fellowship Blogs site

Crikey Crunchbang – you really do bug me!

This is really just a quickie to let you know how my #! conversion is going. Install was hard work, however, got a load of help form the IRC. Needed to update grub to get my dual boot to work, but otherwise it was okay.

HOWEVER, I have had silly bugs coming out my ears ever since.

Alsa wont let me record (but will let me listen) – plus all input volumes are set on mute by default, and there is a learning curve to turn them on, which is stupid. You have to open Alsamixer from the terminal, wont open from menu etc.

Usb’s wont mount

Libreoffice spell-checker wont work (the selected spell-checker wasn’t even installed, and even after install it just doesn’t “see” the errors)… what else… er…

Something wrong with various browsers that wont show some bits of some pages (but NOT Java, something to do with webkit settings which I can’t find) …

No GUI for dd…(took me HOURS to learn how to make a usb livedisk for my laptop AND now it wont let me unmake it, wont mount)

Menu will let you open things like gparted, but only terminal will sudo… so you cant actually use the menu properly

Windows in programs like gimp “lock” to the mother window, like a rail along the top, the process to unlock them is either buggy or rubbish…

TBH, I am getting frustrated. I knew that #! would be more technical – but this is just silly.

I have learned to ajust my menu’s, made a new desktop, and changed the font in Conky (I love Conky) and the forums/IRC are really quite good… but otherwise….


starting to miss poobuntu.