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Bits of Artwork

Ivan has been on a tear with his “stripes” series of wallpapers. They remind me of crinkly potato chips, too. In some random browsing I ended up on the Blue Mint, with 15 more cool wallpapers. The latter page shows that “K Desktop Environment” is a rather persistent term. Like mildew, it’s hard to get rid of.
It’d be nice to have a KDE4-OpenSolaris wallpaper, something nice for the 4.6.0 release when it rolls around (4.6.0 of Plasma Desktop plus the KDE Platform 4.6.0 and the KDE Applications Collection — which even on OpenSolaris is more than just what’s found in the core KDE SVN modules). Of course, the OpenSolaris term is one that needs eradication as well, now that Oracle has definitely killed it (last week in Linux Journal, but really old news to anyone watching the official face of OSOL). Anyway, Ivan, here’s a chance at fame in an insanely niche environment.
I’ve been looking through things on a bit, trying to find one or two nice wallpapers and themes to put into the default KDE consolidation, if only to give a teensy bit more spice to the OSOL packages. It’s really hard to choose — because of the sheer volume of material on there. Themes as well: possibly I just don’t understand what “Beryl Emeral Theme” or “Aurorae Theme” means; I assume they’re not applicable in a stock KDE installation. That doesn’t leave much to choose from, anyway.
Of course, for your needs in art, Lukas’s work is to be recommended. The advances made over in Krita are one reason I really should get down to updating the Krita packagers, so’s I can see for myself what’s going on.