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What’s the worst that could happen?

I wrote my previous bit on KDE4 OpenSolaris packages before all of them were done; I scheduled the post and left the packages building and went off to teach classes (networking and SSL technologies for high school kids). What’s the worst that could happen?

Well, for one thing a dependency on a non-released version of Soprano could show up — one that isn’t tested for in the cmake code either. I can understand this to some extent, after all there is a great deal of co-development going on between soprano and its clients. Fortunately, soprano has been tarballed since then and added to the KDE source download mirrors. I see on the KDE release management mailing list that there’s a couple more gotchas, but those will only show up once I get past KDEbase and pim.

The life-size stopper for KDE PIM on OpenSolaris right now is the behavior of nepomuk-rcgen, which just segfaults on startup. That effectively prevents KDE PIM from building, since it uses the latest nepomuk cmake magic. On the other hand, things like konsole do work.

One commenter was asking about sourceJuicer and p5i files. The p5i files are a new thing in pkg since OSOL 2009.6 — I don’t know if pkgtool sets them up correctly, or even who is responsible for making these things or where it is supposed to get the publisher information from anyway. Any hints on what should go in the specfiles to produce useful p5i files would be appreciated. As for jucr, these packages aren’t yet in any shape to push there — and there are various problems related to build-time dependencies as yet unresolved. For instance, you can’t depend on cmake as a build tool on the jucr build machines. Some of the KDE4 dependencies have been pushed there, but they are not building regularly. It’s easier to do so outside of jucr, where updates can be done faster (and of course, the spec file repo if you want to build everything yourself is on bionicmutton, as documented on techbase).

PS. Konqueror + certain proprietary plugins needed for popular culture (viz. YouTube) works, too. I’m impressed (by the Konqueror developers).

PPS. You can now install KDEgdm-integration normally with “pkg install”. Note that the fonts for Qt applications are butt-ugly; run Qt config and set up nicer ones, then run systemsettings to fix up KDE’s appearance. At some point I hope to figure out how to set better defaults for both on package install.