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KPilot is dead

Bertjan blogged about it two weeks ago, and you might have deduced it from Jason’s gadget switch, but KPilot should be considered dead. Of the three “maintainers” (and I used that word only very loosely regarding myself) I don’t think any of them actually uses a PalmOS device any more. There is, quite simply, no return for us any more in working on the application, much as we might want to keep the software alive. Read Bertjan’s blog for details on what this means and where you can find the software if you would like to resurrect it. It’s under the GPLv2, so have at it.

To support such an effort, I’ll say free to a good home: one box of assorted PalmOS devices, ranging from the Palm Pilot (the original!) through to a Tungsten E and a pair of m500s. With chargers and assorted cables. Just drop me a note.

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